
I am originally from the North East of England, but have been fortunate enough to travel and experience living in many different countries. I currently live in Ontario, Canada with my wife, daughter, son and multiple pets. My original background is in physics, but for the longest time I have been passionate about data. I currently work for DataStax helping customers develop their next generation of services built on the awesome power of Apache Cassandra.


In my work life, I am an experienced data architect who enjoys building collaborative relationships with engineering, development and operations teams. I love the challenge of working in a fast paced environment to deliver innovative solutions from initial concepts to highly scalable and reliable services, providing compelling customer experiences.

Beyond work, I love spending time with my family. We like to spend as much time as possible outside, taking part in a wide range of activities including walking, skiing ,cycling and jet-skiing. In fact doing anything outdoors and physical, I think it comes from sitting down for a living :)

The images for this site are selected from various places we have visited over the last couple of years. In no particular order they include the North East of England, Cuba, Nova Scotia and the Bruce Penisula.


If you are interested in getting in touch, feel free to reach out via the links below or alternatively take a look at my blog.

Contact Info


I have a diverse range of interests from Docker, Kubernetes and Ansible all the way through to building decks and landscaping. I also enjoy the outdoors and try and take pictures wherever we go. My intention is to write about these experiences in my blog which I would like to share with my family, friends and the wider world.